Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Tim Riggenbach

Tim Riggenbach will not be running for Aaron Shock’s seat. Riggenbach, a Republican, will run for re-election to the County Board. Riggenbach has twice been appointed by Democrat County Board Chairmen as Chairman of the Legislative/Finance Committee of the board. As a former businessman who serves on his committee, I can attest that he does a superior job with his leadership.

Riggenbach is the type of politician the community continues to ask to represent them as an honest, common sense, vibrant and industrious community servant. My more than four years of working with him on committees and the full board qualify me to say that if I were in business today; Tim is the type of leader I would seek out for my company.

As Branch Manager of a major bank in Peoria, Tim brings a knowledge of finance and legislation that is a distinct asset to the Peoria County Board.

The community should lay aside partisan politics and elect a person with a proven financial background who is supported by a family with strong interest in the present and future of Peoria. He will have my full support in the elections of 2008.


Anonymous said...

In following your comments about setting aside politics and choosing the most qualified folks for positions, I thought it was interesting that recent news of a 39 year old daughter of a retired state judge and current federal magistrate slipped by without much comment from the press or others. This young lady's father is living off of one very nice state pension and accumulating a federal pension to go on top of that amount. Now, when I understand there were many very qualified candidates who aren't related to current judges, this young lady is chosen to serve in a position that pays a sum in excess of $140,000.00.

You have 10 circuit judges earning more than $150,000.00 per year and basically elected for life and then they appoint 11 associate judges for life at nearly that amount per year and there is little oversight or standards to prevent this sort of chronism and the type of political appointments that we'd scream and yell about if this sort of thing happened in a scenario worth far less in tax dollars and with far less impact to the general public.

Does the county board have any oversight responsibilities to keep these prima donna judges in check? These positions should be filled by individuals who will do the job, be there 8 plus hours a day and have the ability to carry out the duties competently. This shouldn't be an opportunity to get your friends, siblings, cousins or children into a sweet and cushy job.

We aren't getting our moneys worth from the tax dollars spent on this part of the court system, especially with this sort of effort from our elected judges.

Merle Widmer said...

Peoria County Board has little control over judges. We must fund what is mandated by the state, mainly pensions. We must furnish space and tools they request. 2008 budget for Court Administration is $4,676,000. 2005, it was $3,896,000.