Sunday, August 31, 2008

Are We Ready for a "Great New Society"?

Quoting Kimberly Strassel, on the WSJ on 8/29/08, she says Obama's agenda would result in the biggest expansion of government and income redistribution since Lyndon Baine Johnson. Obama proposes one of the steepest tax increases in modern history, raising rates on personal income, capital gains, dividends and even death. The money Obama would take from the taxpaying Americans he would hand over to nontaxpaying Americans in the form or "refundable" tax credits. This is called a tax hike and "income redistribution"-even in the Harvard economic department.

Obama is careful to call these new government handouts a "tax cut for the middle class."

Obama would create a new "universal" health plan, which in it's size and scope would be the largest government entitlement since 1965. The ultimate goal is obvious; pull ever more Americans under the government-health umbrella, until such time as the Democrats can kill off private insurance altogether. Obama plans to impose tough new regulations on insurance companies and big new taxes on business. (Peoria County already pays 2 out of every three dollars of employees health premiums under our existing county health plan) This step toward Canadian health care is described by Obama as nothing more than what is offered to federal employees and it would offer choice, portability, affordable premiums, co-pays and deductibles. It would simplify paperwork and rein in health-care costs and "raise quality and "efficiency".

All good sounding terms especially portability and affordabikity which I would support but not in the manner presented.

An Obama administration would slap new rules on every bank and mortgage provider calling it "transparency" and "oversight". He would micromanage the energy industry, punishing oil and nuclear and rewarding wind and solar. His dislike of the oil industry would cause his administration to impose "windfall" profits taxes while freeing America from foreign oil companies. Who cares that the oil companies need to make substantial profits to afford to keep on expensive searching for new sources.

Meanwhile, big labor runs the Democrat shop these days while the Democrats sit on trade deals with with vital allies like South Korea and Columbia all the while they are saying "I (We) believe in free trade".

What the Democrats are offering is "stealth liberalism" while hiding under the conservative rhetoric of "choice," "tax cuts," "free trade" and "freedom".

Voters in 2006 rightly rebuked the Republicans that over 12 years had lost its commitment to reform and limited government. That voter anger remains-as does confusion over today's economy and frustration with Washington gridlock-and it has opened the door to an Obama "change" candidacy. But the center-right country is still a long way from embracing a new Great Society-thus the Democrats attempting to slip liberal policies through the back door.

Respite all the reassuring rhetoric and the promise of a "post-partisan" Washington, many Americans sense in Mr. Obama the ghost of liberals past.

I personally not only sense it, my years of experience in the public and private sector, as a businessman with 22 years of working with a union with not a picket, a grievance or a strike, I have seen the efforts by greedy populist politicians to push us gently toward socialism.

With the election of Obama/Biden expect a disastrous shove.

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