Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Councilman Concerned About Museum Opposition

Any Councilman who sits on the Peoria City Coucnil who doesn't believe in the right of a minority or dissenting group to petition is not the person you want to send to Springfield to "change" things.

In a WEEK TV interview on 9/2/10, State Representative candidate, Jim Montelongo said, "I think it is their right to protest something. And try to see if there is enough support behind it. I'm not particularly happy about that."

He is not happy about a situation the public is showing considerable consternation and dissenters are circulating petitions to block the GO Bonds?

WEEK TV 25 in their statement "Last week, a group against the museum........ forbiding the county from issusing bonds....etc. Bunch of bull crap; this protest is about using General Obliation Bonds that are payable from both of General Sales Taxes and Public Facility tax, in effect making the taxpayer liable for the possible failure of the museum; liable to make up possible deficit in museum revenues, for all the years the building is standing, while pointing out that the museum PROJECT is underfunded, the endowment is totally under-funded and the public misled before the referendum about a promised IMAX theater in the museum. While the museum still seeks taxpayer funding when the TAXPAYER is already funding over 70% of the museum project???

Putting up another minority to run against a minority incumbent, is another mistake of the "good old boys and girls club", Republican Central Committee.

A couple of years ago, Montelongo asked me to take his name off my email list, one of four people in 6 years, because he felt that I was opposed to his ethnic group. I have never opposed any ethnic person that enters our country LEGALLY. If they plan to live here and after a reasonable time, they must apply for citizenry to becomes a greater asset to our community. They are welcome to their religious beliefs but are not welcome to try to force their religious belief on our government or people. They absolutely must abide by the laws of THIS country.

I ask that you examine the voting record of both the incumbent and the Republican Candidate. Both are not bashful about spending your money. Check again the financial condition of the Peoria City Council where Montelongo now votes.

Both parties could have put up stronger candidates if change is going to happen in Springfield.

Too bad. Illinois could be a much better place to live. And perhaps, stronger Tea Party leadership.

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