Thursday, April 26, 2012

Pensions: Outrageous and Granted By Incompetent Boards

Dean Kennedy, who married one of my former employees, makes no excuses about why he is (in his early 50"s) is going to draw an annual pension of $119,184.00 or 80% of his outrageous salary. Sure, he and is wealthy compatriots, don't get Social Security Payments. Not his fault that he is getting this outrageous pension and he is correct. He is merely going along with what the law says he is entitled to.

Government leadership incompetent and often corrupt? You bet. Outrageous salries and benefits in the public safety field because of the risk? Sure, their is risk but not nearly as much risk as in dozens of jobs in the private sector, some of who get no pensions. How many State Police officers have been killed in the line of duty and I don't include killing themselves, in the entire State of Illinois since year 2000?

Compare with those who served in the field in Vietnam and were killed by the enemy and compare pensions. Or Iraq, Afghanistan and other countries.

No comparison.

.Now look at your property tax bill and note how much goes for pensions. The City of Peoria collects less than half of your payment to run the City while the balance goes to PENSIONS.

You don't believe Socialism is here. Think again. Another reason why I stopped donating any more of my hard earned money to any politician because in the end, much of it will be wasted or go to outrageous public sector pensions. As stated in the WSJ Editorial, "Before former President Bush joined with Nancy Pelosi and Larry Summers on the blunder of "targeted", TEMPORARY tax cuts, Mr. Bush began playing business favorites for the ethanol and green energy fad. Republicans in Congress spent like Democrats and protected Fannie Mae and the housing lobby. And Mr. Bush and most Republicans embraced an easy money Federal Reserve that favored Wall Street and asset bubbles at the expense of real middle class incomes".

Much as I absolutely hate what Obama and his Democrat ilk are doing to this Republic, Obama and the Democrats were not alone in putting the country in the this sorry state of affairs.

It's difficult to imagine what FOUR more years of this crowd will do to this country. More pensions and entitlements and regulations; 79 new regulations from the EPA and hundreds of new regulations  pending.

Outrageous pensions in the PUBLIC sector are only part of the free spending going on in this country.

And no, trooper Kennedy, who left as Captain Kennedy is not to be considered in the real middle Class. If Kennedy is 50 and lives to be 90, he will collect over $5 million in pensions and countless health benefits. Alone. If his spouse worked and collected a pension they rank in the top 1% ers'.

I don't blame them. I blame those responsible for bankrupting the State of Illinois. Not all Democrats.

For sure.

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