Wednesday, May 23, 2012

A Roundabout in Peoria For only $20 Million?

I blogged on this event earlier this month but had no idea it would cost taxpayers TWENTY MILLION DOLLARS. A near bankrupt state who can't pay their bills and would close the Peoria Adult Transition Center and send 60 ex-cons back to prison is another example of how screwed up our politician are.

The City Council is going to take $4 million for this project while the Public Works Depart. can't even repair our lousy streets.

I'm getting weary of hearing high paid engineers with IDOT and the unions saying this project will create jobs. If this RAB was to be built in a right-to-work state, it would cost maybe $10 million.

Our City Council is acting like RAB are something relatively new. If you call 500 years ago in Rome relatively new, they are correct.

The council approved the $20 million so it's just a matter of design of this "reason the state and city are near broke". Here's the councils thinking. Real intelligent, but we should grab the $13.5 million from the state before East Peoria, Washington or Bloomington takes the money.

The old "if we don't take it someone else will". That's why it is newsworthy that once in a great while someone returns something someone else lost. Even if the lost item has the owener's name on it and has any real value. Years ago I lost a camera that had my name on it. Get it back? No, even though I've always been listed in the phone book.

This is the way policticians think.. So in the end it probably won't make that much difference who wins the election if these politicians plan to reduce the spending and the horrendous debt.

So send the ex-cons back to prisons and open up the unused prison  up north.

WE are getting more of what Rusk warned us about years ago. Urban sprawl. Let the people serviced by this TWENTY MILLION "union job creator" pay for it. There the ones racing back and forth causing the traffic jams they complain about.

So sad.

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