Thursday, June 28, 2012

Pelosi Was Right

She said if ObamaCare passes maybe we will find out what is in the bill.

I'm afraid many people have already found out. Maybe it will turn out that the Republicans won many points; one that Obama lied when he said this was not a tax. Conservative-Liberal-Socialist Justice Roberts confirms the mandate of most all owning health insurance by 2014 is a TAX..

Most people who think similair to me knew it was another forced tax on the citizens who at least vote and who pay 80% of all taxes now. The poor susposedly can't afford insurance ( all can afford cell phones, do a lot of twittering and many can afford $150 Nike shoes) so who will pay their $2500 fine and who will pay their premiums?

Guess who. I suspect more doctors will retire and there is a shartage now. Expect lower quality care and little care at all for people over 80 or so.

I listened to debates most of the day. The "bleeding liberals" think this bill is the best "invention" since oversized soft drinks cups.


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