Wednesday, June 20, 2012

"Throw Them All Out"

This book, that should be read by Republicans and Democrat voter alike, was written by Peter Schweizer in 2011 describing in detail "how politicians and their friends get rich off insider stock tips, land deals, and cronyism that would send the rest of us to prison." Listed are some of the names and amounts of money "bundled" by alternate energy beneficiaries and contributed to Obama as of  September 15, 2011.

It is no secret that this administration wishes to put coal and oil producers and refiners out of business and succeeding to do so at a tremendous cost to this country, billions of dollars that we do not have but borrow from all who would lend us, mainly foreign countries like China.

Quoting Henry Clay, "Government is a trust , and the officers of the government are trustees. and the both, the trust and the trustees, are created for the benefit of the people." It is apparent that many who who are elected form a group Schweitzer names as the 'Permanent Political Class' profiteering on the taxpayer dime as regular occurrences.

The political class is able to exploit honest graft because they have been given a position of privilege and power, and they work very hard to persuade us that their well-being is necessary for our well-being. (12 million acknowledged as being unemployed and another 6 million who have stopped looking for jobs, my comment)

At the root of the Permanent Political Class is a profound sense of arrogance. Their is not a lack of smart people in D.C. today. There is , however, a 'character gap.'

This book is well written and names names. Democrats and Republicans are exposed with Democrats the most publicized as they have held power for almost 6n years.

Only 178 pages, your time will be well spent in reading this book understanding that on salaries considered by some as modest, all leave office many millions richer than they day they swore to serve this country.

Some service.

Note: the author talks of "honest graft" as much of their personal enrichment is protected by the very laws they write.

(For the extensive credentials of Mr. Schweizer, please dial him up on the net)

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