Friday, July 27, 2012

Caterpillar Stock Moves Up On Strong Earnings and Possible Stimulus From the Fed

Despite the strong 7 poo int move upward by Caterpillar in the last few days, it is still 31 points off it's 52 week high of $116.95.

Now a good time to buy or is another dip on the way before the November elections? Analysts seem to be somewhat split as unemployment remains high. Probably about 16,000,000 unemployed counting those that fell off the record keeping charts.

A lot of people are still hiring illegals. I don't.

I personally bought Smith and Wesson and IMAX yesterday but still am about half on the sidelines.

With this administration, not even a crystal ball would be help full. Best help would be a Republican sweep in November.

But then the Republicans still carry a lot of baggage in their own party and while I'll vote for Romney and probably Rubio, Romney needs to tell the Independents and some of the Republicans nuts who won't vote for him because of his religion, more details on why he would start to set this country on the way back from the cliff where it is heading right now.

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