Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Comparable Retirements Figures

Comparable my ass. In the case Ray Lahood, He gets at least two pensions and some of these competent or incompetent get as many as three or more pensions.

Sorry I couldn't print the picture as yet.


Wonder if this is part of solving the financial "cliff" problem?

Below the picture are some surprising facts...

Salary of retired U.S. Presidents .............$180,000 FOR LIFE

Salary of House/Senate .......................$174,000 FOR LIFE

Salary of Speaker of the House .............$223,500 FOR LIFE

Salary of Majority/Minority Leaders ....... $193,400 FOR LIFE

Average Salary of a Teacher ............... $40,065 

Average Salary of Soldier DEPLOYED IN AFGHANISTAN ....... $38,000

I think we found where some of the cuts should be made!If you agree, pass it on. I just did.

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