Tuesday, August 06, 2013

Peoria U-Haul Personell Say More People Moving Out of Peoria Than Moving In

No surprise here. I hope to be joining the exodus before late fall. Years ago I said one of the main population deflaters was our local major newspaper. In an article in today's Journal Star, a Know-Not-Much-Reporter wrote an article about me without even talking to me ever in his life. He took information from a police theft report  that did not mention an "an upstairs room" because there is no upstairs room as we live in a ranch style home. Yet this sensation gathering reporter wrote "that the stolen items were taken from an upstairs drawer" intimating that I probably took them into a bedroom. He also said I "stepped down fro, my position in the "fall" of 2010. Actually, I announced my decision to the now deceased DeWayne Bartels of th Observor to NOT run for a fourth term 2 1/2 years before my third term ended. It ended in December, a winter month,  rather than "my stepping down in the fall of 2010" as this KNMR reporter wrote in his financially struggling newspaper.

Many times I have been assaulted by the JS without the reporter doing the bashing ever interviewing me personally. This reporter followed the established sensation seeking failing newspaper. Yes, I still take it as I want to know when I appear in the obits and I like Wessler's sports page.

The reporter went at length to vilify the night club, the performers and the Republican Party. If he knew me he would know I publicly declared myself an Independent over a year ago. He also stressed my age as if those of those of us who control our weight and lead an active life are all supposed be be in nursing homes watching  reruns of the Archie Bunker and Jackie Gleason. Actually, many of us enjoy the exotic dancers on-stage performance ability, and yes, their beauty rather than being forced to look at the wide-bodies shopping Walmart,  or stuffing their buffet butts with more fat and and forced to look at an overweight sexually neutered population in general. I don't go to movies or watch sitcoms and watch Linsey, Rosie, Oprah, Jerry Springer and many of the retards that dominate our visual medias today.

Nor do I watch porn movies as much of our population appears to have an addiction.

Actually, I should be commended for reporting jewelry that has gone missing to warn others to be more selective of those they invite into their homes. Or to put their most valuable valuables in a Safe Deposit Box or under locked SafeFiles or vaults.

And those not familiar with personal domestic issues might best look closely in their own mirrors.As far as those who perform at night clubs they are women trying to make a living, most of them have children to support and to my knowledge, they are not theives or sell their bodies any more than most married women use sex to get what they want from  their husbands or boyfriends.

As far as my saying an exotic dancer stole from me that is a totally false statement. How could she steal from me when the jewelry was 120 feet way from where she and I were sitting and talking for a few minutes. I have not seen a police report but if that is what Officer Bond recorded, he is totally wrong. I have been trying to reach him by phone with no results todate.Right now, I believe the reporter was trying to sensationalize his story.

1 comment:

Jason William Cordello said...

I looked you up on Google after reading the Peoria Journal Star article on the "jewelry heist" and your shameful behavior.

Several things come to mind as I read this disgusting post on your "patriotic blog"...

(1) This public admission of consorting with strippers and bringing them to the home of you and your wife will be held against you in divorce proceedings.

(2)Strippers are typically prostitutes and heavy users of hard drugs like heroin, cocaine, crystal meth, ecstasy, and LSD.

(3) You have joined the ranks of Anthony Wiener, Bob Filner, Bill Clinton, and Elliott Spitzer. Politicians who get caught whoring around.

(4) Only a fool would ever let a stripper know where they live. All the burglars in town now have you on their list of treasure troves. And now the Journal Star article lets the whole town know where you live and that you have expensive items sitting around in your house. Hope you have Dobermans and pit bulls in the house and on the property.

(5) You have disgraced your conservative political cause by proving that you don't support family values but support vice and adultery.

(6) A "friendship" with a stripper or prostitute is not real. They just want your money. Only guys who can't form relationships with normal women go to strippers and hookers. And guys who want perverse favors that normal women will not provide.

(7) Only a fool would file a police report about a theft that happened a month ago, and implicate a stripper as the possible thief. All she has to do is deny the accusation. If she did steal the jewelry, which is likely (if you didn't give it as a gift to her), she has long ago exchanged it for crack or heroin.

(8) Put away your Viagra induced delusions and be a respectable father and grandfather with a decent legacy to leave behind, not a scandal, when you pass away.

(9) You should be more concerned with your eternal destiny and soul salvation -- than with juvenile sexual exploits with gold digging whores who will make sure you leave no money for your kids when you die.

I'm sure you won't post this comment, because you right wing bigots are all a bunch of phonies and liars.

You only care about the poor when they're females who are taking their clothes off for you.

You Republicans are all the same, notorious for hookers and illegal drugs at your political conventions.